The regionalisation of industrial production and trade in industry goods is gaining momentum and puts new demands on Swedish companies that want to expand their sales in other regions than 欧洲. Near-market manufacturing has become a commonplace expectation among customers and can contribute to faster and more accurate adaptation to local conditions.  

通过在远离本土的遥远市场建立生产能力, 企业还可以降低供应链风险, 减少运输过程中的环境足迹,简化物流. The fact that the trend is accelerating is reflected by the intra-regional trade in industry goods which has surged in both North America and Asia over the past decade.       

当地的专业知识, 连接, sustainability and resilience in the production environment are key factors that determine the outcome of increasingly complex localisation decisions.  

这份报告 把制造业带到新的前沿 outlines the main drivers of near-market manufacturing from a business point of view and political perspective. 除了, the report presents a framework for the factors that industrial companies should pay close attention to when deciding where to locate their production facilities.  

This framework describes the decision process in three steps with key factors involved in the choice of region, 最后是市场的选择, 生产地点的选择. 这份报告 and framework are based on interviews that 亚虎电子游戏官网平台商业 has conducted over time with leading representatives at Swedish and international industrial companies.  

亚虎电子游戏官网平台商业 has also based its analysis on accumulated internal expertise and experience when advising companies on localisation of manufacturing, 也称为选址过程.
